About Akoma Center for Pan-Afrikan Research, Self Determination & Nationbuilding

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About Akoma Center for Pan-Afrikan Research, Self Determination & Nationbuilding

The Akoma Center for Pan-Afrikan Research, Self Determination and Nationbuilding is a project under the auspices of the Akoma Educational Charity Fund. We believe indigenous Afrikan cultural knowledge and practice are fundamental to achieving economic independence. 

We adopt the following definition of Nationbuilding: 

“That process of establishing a defined, independent and ordered spiritual, physical, psychological, political, territorial and cultural reality.” Agyei, K. & Akoto, A. N. (2000) 

Our Philosophy: Sankofa Go back and fetch it. 

Knowledge of self in the Afrikan Black historical context is the prerequisite for Black community empowerment. You cannot know where you are going if you do not know where you have been. 

Our Vision: “Kioto, kikulu mu kinda (konso-konso kawanda kwandi)” 

“The kioto house is like a stool in the community ( each member has the right to sit on it in order to be sensibilized by the past experience and foster the present and the future.” (Fu Kiau 2007). 

We want to spread and perpetuate what Afrika was, is, and can be, to empower Afrikans towards self-sufficiency. 

Our Mission: Until the story of the hunt is told by the Lion, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. 

To provide a safe place to be authentically Afrikan, free from double consciousness and other hegemonic forces. To make available the media, expertise, and space to spur action toward Afrikan pride and the development of systems that uplift the people. To make it known that whatever we need we already have inside of ourselves. Consequently, this place is one where Afrikan Black people can make manifest what our benevolent ancestors have deposited in our collective DNA and live self-determined and economically independent.