Food Sovereignty

Akoma Food Sovereignty

There are many aspects to our Food Sovereignty endeavors. At this point in time we are most focused on supporting the School Garden at Akoma International School of Arts & Sciences.

The School Garden Curriculum

Our approach to Food Sovereignty education is through practical lessons from the sciences of organic gardening, and nutrition.  Lessons cover agriculture, food science, and related history as it relates to health, self-determination, self-reliance and Nationbuilding. 

Akoma’s curriculum provides experiential learning for student inquiry and investigation into earth and life sciences, math, literacy and social science.

Our Aims are to…

  • Increase students’ daily intake of fruits and vegetables including fresh moringa leaves provided from our farm to the lunch program.
  • Build connections between healthy bodies and healthy gardens.
  • Decrease the incidence and likelihood of processed foods and related conditions.
  • Increase students’ participation in and bonding to the land in their communities.
  • Teach the course in a way that augments the current science curriculum.



  • Food groups, vitamins, fiber, salt, etc.
  • Skill development in reading and analyzing nutrition labels

Science and Agriculture

  • Plant Biology
  • Life Cycles
  • GMO’s versus organic


During gardening activities

Inter/Intrapersonal Skills

  • Group Work
  • Planning and Critical Thinking

Personal Awareness

  • Personal diet assessment and small steps to positive change